the concept of who you are, filtered through a thousand different lenses.

the train shambles over the points

Substituting perplexity of the hands for perplexity of the brain

The cow's eyes are gentle. It chews quietly. Endlessly.

You are safe here.

The supply closet was quite big, as closets go, but it was full of such a confusion of everyday things stored in no particular order that, once inside of it with the door shut, to move was to risk being poked with something or bumping into something else. Ellie found a shelf with one hand, and felt along the wall for a light-switch with the other, and the Captain, who hadn’t considered not being able to see, fell over something and made a noise.

There's links in the sidebar.

- i am brave and very cool -

040f21 deep blue
00bca3 teal
ff5f00 orange
ff7392 pink
ffbcf3 pink sampled from header

Hey did you know I made a cat in Blender? Now you do.
